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Some of my specialties, not always limited to what is mentioned.​ As a trainer I always make it my job to research and have my clients try out new and unique moves and exercises in addition to the base exercises. A workout should always feel unique but still focus on keeping track of weight changes, increases and pushing a clients performance forward to better achieve their fitness goals!


Your fitness facility might look like a collection of machines you use sometimes after your cardio, with some dumbbells in the background and a collection of mats. Unlock the endless possibilities of how to fully utilize the most valuable room in your home, condo or corporate gym!



The most requested type of personal training. We quickly focus on the basic exercises, chest presses, push up, bent over rows, shoulder presses etc... make sure form is perfect, then we try combining exercises and work with challenging weights. You will sweat more, hearth rate will shoot up and burn a lot more calories, incinerate fat, sculpt and look great all over!



Strength training for a while and frustrated with the shape of your body? Seems like you workout on a regular basis but still don't have a defined chest or arms that look great in a tank top? Help me push you harder to workout smarter not harder and finally see results! Take your strength training to the next level and master the basics, increase your bench press, shoulder press and learn to safely dead lift beyond your bodyweight. Weight training is also great to lose weight and is recommended for everyone not just men!



Think of core as the foundation of your body. A weak core can lead to serious posture problems, constant back pain and a less then appealing midsection. Contrary to popular belief the goal is not always to build a six pack but to workout one of the most important muscles in your body, diet is key to reveal the muscles in this area, exercise is key to strengthen this area. Core is always strongly involved in our workouts, and traditional sit ups are never performed!



Very few of us ever focus on balance exercises. There are many benefits of balance training mainly it tones and shapes up our hip and thigh muscles. Balance training is a great functional exercise that makes us less likely to avoid dangerous falls as we get older. Avoiding debilitating injuries that could require month of painful physical therapy. Balance Training is an important part of out personal training program.



The benefits of overall health and fitness are amazing to the human body. Better then any drug or supplement. It's not just about building muscle. Strength is incredibly beneficial for every day functional activities, the ability to get up out of a small taxi, hold bags of heavy groceries, carry heavy backpacks, luggage, open a heavy door, recover from a near fall without losing your balance and falling over. Increase your ability to run further and just look amazing and also use your strength to increase your performance in the bedroom, yes this is all possible with the miracle that is exercising with weights and taking your cardio beyond the treadmill!



Get in shape anywhere you are, online consultations and workout plans delivered to your phone, tablet or pc. Get in shape wherever you are with the personal touch of a real fitness professional trainer. Get a monthly visit if in the Chicago area to check and get live advice and training tips to make your workouts even better! Coming soon....

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